When you place an order online, you will have the opportunity to check the details of your order and correct any errors before placing the order. When you place your order you are making an offer to buy. You will be sent an e-mail (“ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF ORDER”) confirming receipt of your order from PayPal. The ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF ORDER is not acceptance of your offer. If your offer has been accepted you will be contacted by us via e-mail confirming the details of your order (“ORDER CONFIRMATION”). At this time your offer to buy will have been accepted and a legally binding contract will be formed and your artwork will be despatched to you.
If you would like to make an order and pay offline, send a letter to Gail Stathakis of Karavotsakisma Hse., Koukounaries, Skiathos Island, Greece 37002 with the details of your order which should include details of the items ordered, price, your name, address, e-mail and telephone number together with a cheque. When you send this letter you are making an offer to buy. You will be sent an e-mail or letter (“ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF ORDER”) confirming receipt of your order. The ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF ORDER is not acceptance of your offer. If your offer has been accepted you will be contacted by us via e-mail or letter confirming that your offer has been accepted (“ORDER CONFIRMATION”). At this time your offer to buy will have been accepted and a legally binding contract will be formed and your artwork will be despatched to you.
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